
How to bind to Measure

Root Element

  • First, you need add ONE HTML Element with id "widget" as root element,then you can place measure content into {{ }} ,for excample <div id="widget"> {{ datetime1.timeSec }} </div>

  • If you don't want add this root element with id "widget", you need edit the widget.json "information" section to add a node with "vueRoot" to point out the root element id or class .

if your root HTML element id is "abc", then you need add vueRoot:"#abc" if your root HTML element class is "abc" then you need add vueRoot:".abc"

    "vueRoot": "#abc",   // if root is a classname, place it as ".abc"

Measure grammar

  • HTML Element value display measure data need add {{ }} symbol ,for excample: <div id="widget> {{ shortcut1.title }} </div>

  • Bind HTML Element Attrbute use the "v-bind:" , for excample: <img v-bind:src="shortcut1.icon" />

Measure common Command

Start : Set the measure Enabled

Stop : Set the measure Disabled

Update : Update the measure

Setting : Show the Setting Window of measure

Last updated