Using RainWidget

Run RainWidget

DoubleClick the RainWidget Icon on your desktop to run RainWidget

Config RainWidget

  1. RightClick the RainWidget tray icon (Screen Bottom-Right corner) to popup RainWidget system menu,Click the menuitem "Settings..." to open the Setting Window.

  2. Check/Uncheck the option "Auto run when computer stars" to Enable/Disable RainWidget autorun.

  3. DropDown the Language combobox to select RainWidget Language

Check Update

RightClick the RainWidget tray icon (Screen Bottom-Right corner) to popup RainWidget system menu,Click the menuitem "Update"

RainWidget Information

RightClick the RainWidget tray icon (Screen Bottom-Right corner) to popup RainWidget system menu,Click the menuitem "About" to display information.

Add Widget To Desktop

  1. RightClick the RainWidget tray icon (Screen Bottom-Right corner) to popup RainWidget system menu,Click the menuitem "Add Widget..." to open the AddWidget window

  2. DoubleClick one of the widget in list to add widget to desktop

  3. Or right click one of the widget in list and click the menuitem "Add" to add the widget to desktop

Download More Widget

  1. RightClick the RainWidget tray icon (Screen Bottom-Right corner) to popup RainWidget system menu,Click the menuitem "Download Widget" to open RainWidget's Online Gallery window

  2. Click the widget's download link button to start the widget.

  3. After download finished, double click the widget in list to add to desktop.

Last updated